DIY Challenges

150 Gyoza Challenge

Daniel Mercer 150 Gyoza ChallengeThe 150 Gyoza Challenge consists of 150 fried Gyoza eaten as quickly as possible. Gyoza’s have to be the usual size and shape, can be any filling you choose.

The original challenge was to see how many Daniel could eat in 10 minutes. As we’ve not heard anyone else in Australia doing this many, we’re setting the benchmark and turning this into a time based challenge instead of volume.

If you can eat 150 Gyoza in less than 10 minutes, we want to see it!

Current Record Time: 10 minutes by Daniel Mercer

June 9, 2013 / by / in ,
Happy Meal Challenge

McDonalds Happy MealThe Happy Meal Challenge consists of one McDonalds Happy Meal (Cheeseburger, Small Fries, Small Coke (no ice)), to be eaten as quickly as possible.


  • The burger can be unwrapped and held in the hand before the timer starts
  • The lid of the drink can be removed before the timer starts
  • All food and drink needs to be eaten completely, mouth open on camera before the timer is stopped

Current Australian Record Time: 25.8 seconds by James “Jim Bob” Rose


Second Place Record Time: 32.3 seconds by Hungry Haydo


3rd Place Record Time: 37.9 by James “Jim Bob” Rose

May 26, 2013 / by / in ,