And so ends another successful week in the world of Competitve Eating.
This week in the Take Away Series saw our eaters take on a universally recognised meal. For legal purposes we can’t reveal their name….but it rhymes with Crappy Meal 😉
The week started off slow with many keeping their times quiet until submission day.
Our first entry was by no other than Gorgin’ Georgie, who posted the respectable time of 1:53. Being only her 3rd contest ever, we couldn’t have hoped for me.
Check out her video here:
The next video few videos were slowly released and here they are in order of time achieved:
Jordan – 1:06.52
Awesome effort from Jordan, him and his partner in business, Lucas ( have both admitted to only enterting our comp for a bit of fun…but honestly these guys have potential.
Here is Jordans video:
Inbetween Jordan and Lucas, Andy Mantequilla posted his video of 1:01.
After a strong start last week, Andy didnt get the crappy meal down as fast as some of the others. By the looks of things, he may be more suited to capacity challenges which will help with round 4! Coming up over the next few weeks.
Andy’s video can be seen below:
5 seconds quicker thank Andy, comes in Lucas’ time of 56.69 seconds. This can be viewed here:
Well done boys, will be interesting to see how they go this week with three chicken twisters on the menu!
Our next fastest time was from Hungry Haydo. Haydo who has been on the competitive eating scene for nearly 3 years now has previously posted a time of 32 seconds. (You can check out Hungry Haydo’s facebook page here:
He attempted this challenge twice, but just couldnt manage to beat his original time posted around 6 months ago. Haydo ended up submitting a time of 33 seconds and will have to lift to start bothering the competition for the remaining 2 rounds.
Here is his self proclaimed ‘Slow as’ video:
There was a short break after this with the other guys having up to 8 attempts at the meal to guarantee victory! Being such a short challenge, it was essential to submit a competitive time.
And damn did they bring their A game! We started seeing times that had never been seen before.
Here are the top 3!
The Dark Horse of the comp Ollie “The Ressler” managed a time of 25.2 seconds..Very quick indeed!
In second place, James ‘Jim Bob’ Rose with a time of 20.9!!! We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw this one…
James is an absolute beast and can put the food away as good as anyone else on the circuit!
Could anyone better this?? With only 12 hours left in the comp and no video from Colin or Daniel submitted, we thought we had seen the end.
We knew Colin had done a couple of trial challenges, but hadnt revealed his time. We also knew he was working hard to submit his best time…even if it meant hitting up McRonalds a few more than 5 times!
Turns out it was worth it, here is Colin’s time of………20.4 seconds here.
Unfortunately, Daniel didn’t submit a video this week and will walk about with no points.
So with the above results here are this weeks awarded points to the top 5:
5 points – Col the Conqueror
4 points – Jim Bob Rose
3 points – Ollie the Ressler
2 points – Hungry Haydo
1 point – Lucas Stewart
And here are the running totals:
1st Place – Col the Conqueror (10 points)
2nd Place – Ollie The Ressler (6 points)
3rd Place – Jim Bob Rose (5 Points)
4th Place – Dan Mercer (4 Points)
4th Place – Hungry Haydo (4 Points)
5th Place – Andy Mantequilla
6th Place – Lucas Stewart (1 Point)
Bring on week 3! Triple Twister Challenge!
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