This week we saw a first in Australian competitive eating history with the introduction of a fully virtual national competition.
The Take Away Series is 4 events utilizing foods from popular fast food restaurants around Australia.
Each week 5 points are given to the winner, 4 points to 2nd place and so on until 5th place recieves 1 point.
This week, it was whoever could eat 2 large pizza’s from Domino’s the fastest.
James Gordana Rose was the first to start us off with an impressive time of 5:14.
The next two videos were from new comers, Jordan Lucas Brown and Lucas Stewart from Creation Coachin (check their youtube channel here)
The boys put in a great effort and both finished! Their respective times were: 12:44 & 12:15!
Jordan’s Video:
Lucas’ Video:
Our next video was from Andy Mantequilla who clocked a very impressive 5′:40. Andy will be one to look out for in the future rounds for sure, especially the twister challenge! Great technique and a large capacity!
The next entry came from Hungry Haydo and Gorgin’ Georgie.
Gorgin’ was our second female competitor to register, and a terrific eater….large capacity and can put away good volumes of food!
Gorgin’ and Hungry completed their challenge at the same time. Hungry posted the top time of the competition so far with 4:20.
Georgie was so close to finishing but after eating 2 pieces of lasagne, frozen yogurt with toppings, jelly beans, 2 eggs on toast, triple layer choc birthday cake and more, she couldnt quite fit it all in!
Here is their joint video:
The next entry to come in was from Ollie ‘The Ressler’ Ressom. A new eater on the scene out of Melbourne that always loved eating, but had no idea about the Competitive Eating scene! Ollie always had quite the hunger because of his work in the gym, and was excited to hear about the take away series. Ollie also blew away the competition with a time of 3:29!! Nearly an entire minute quicker than Hungry!
After thinking all week, how much quicker can the times get…We got an entry from one of Australia’s best, Daniel Mercer!
Daniel, traditionally known for his large capacity has recently been competing in all events and now is not only a capacity eater, but also a making a name for himself as a speed eater aswell!
Check out Dan’s time of 2:55 here:
Unfortunetly, we had one of our contestants, The Hungry Ranga (Who hosts a great blog on eating ‘unusual’ foods around Melbourne (you check out her blog here).
Just as we though the week was over and Daniel was going to take the points…….Col The Conqueror emerges with the narrowest of margins…..2:50!!
Col the Conqueror, who is making quite the name for himself by getting to A LOT of competitions around Australia posted the fastest time of the week and will take the 5 points this week. Check out his website, BIG EATS here, and his Youtube channel here.
Check out his speedy video here:
And so ends the first week of’s Take Away Series!
Here are the standings:
Next week is the Crappy Meal Challenge!!!
A Crappy meal from Mcdonalds! Stay tuned for all the rules!!
Thanks everyone for competing and supporting!
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